Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Wildbird Wednesday

These pelicans are just about permanent fixtures on Coogee Beach Jetty. I have seen this one with the missing foot (commonly known as stumpy)  on numerous occasions. They know where to get a free feed when people are fishing on the jetty. They have a birds eye view from high up on the light tower.

Linking with Wildbird Wednesday

Care must be taken when walking along the jetty that one doesn't stop underneath the light pole

Hey you, get off my pole


  1. nice series Linley; those pelicans love the lights don't they?

  2. Pelicans are such wonderful birds Linley I have such a soft spot for them! This is a marvellous series of shots. Poor old stumpy! I wander what his story is..... (I'd be VERY careful under those light poles too!!)

  3. Beautiful birds! Your pelicans are very handsome.

  4. Very nice photos of the black and white Pelicans, I haven't seen that one .

  5. Love teh pelicans on top of the lights. Great shots!

  6. Pelies are so darn cute! Great captures.


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