Monday, 4 August 2014

Sunshine Yellows

The canola crops are in flower now. The countryside is ablaze with these bright yellow paddocks. It just gladdens the heart to see all this colour.
Linking with Monday Mellow Yellows
Canola and wheat
Lupins, canola and wheat


  1. The canola crop certainly offers a strong yellow to the coutryside colours. Lovely photos.

  2. Beautiful! I first saw fields of canola and wheat on a trip to Dubbo a couple of years ago. They certainly look stunning together don't they.

  3. awesome, thanks for sharing; have a nice Monday

    much love...

  4. Canola crops as far as the eye can see really make for a breathtaking vista. I nearly drove off the road once down in Tas where I lived, I was so ogling the assault on my vision!

  5. Refreshing view of the countryside. My first time to see canola crops flourishing.

  6. Fabulous layers of colour. The scenery is beautiful. Great shots too.

  7. Canola blossoms are stunning in the distance. I love these photos.


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