Saturday, 18 April 2015

Pelican Feeding in Kalbarri

Last month we spent a few days in Kalbarri where the pelicans know the time of day. Every morning at precisely 8-45 they come up from the river to the grassed area where they know a fish or two will be on the menu for breakfast.
Left, right, left, right, come on guys, it's 8-45 am
Pick me, pick me
Got it
Here comes another fish, mine mine
Oh well, back to river to catch our own


  1. Wonderful shots! Haven't been to Kalbarri for years.

  2. What a cool experience, seeing the pelican up close.. Their bill and pouches are neat looking.. Great shots, Linley! Thank you so much for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  3. Oh my, what fun! They don't seem the least intimidated.

  4. Amazing birds. I love the close ups!

  5. I remember enjoying the pelican feeding when we were up in Kalbarri some years ago. No shade sails back then though so seems they've smartened the place up. Looks good.

  6. Fascinating! Do they know the time so precisely both during winter and summer?!
    Great photos! They are such handsome birds.

  7. How awesome to see them so close up. They're big birds.

  8. Beautifully captured LInley - they really are the most majestic birds either on water, land or in the air. :)

  9. A great series of shots telling a story. They are funny to watch feeding.


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