A nice day for another Sunday Drive. Today we took the Wongan to Cadoux Road. It would be easy to just drive quickly by and not notice anything, but there is always something to photograph when you travel a new road. I also found another country mural to share for Monday Mural.
Hakea and Pink Pokers are starting to flower along Airport Road in Wongan Hills
A call of "stop the car, go back" when I spotted this old relic in a paddock
This little Robin Red Breast stayed put long enough for me to get a photo of it
A contrast to the dry paddocks, one side of the road green, one grey.
Beautiful gum trees line the road
More relics of days gone by
This welcome sign was in the toilets. Unfortunately the store was not open for us to claim our free drink. Nice touch though. Nothing is open on a Sunday in many small country towns.
The rec centre is the hub of many a country town. Bingo, I have just found an entry to link with Monday Mural. http://oaklanddailyphoto.blogspot.com.au/
After devouring our packed lunch of roast beef rolls, coffee and oat slice we made our way home .