Thursday, 26 June 2014

Busselton Jetty

Today's  Skywatch and  Good Fence comes from the coastal town of Busselton in Western Australia's South West. It is a popular tourist destination and one of my favourites. The jetty extends 1.8 klms over   Geographe Bay and is the longest timber-piled jetty in the Southern Hemisphere. The jetty train, if you don't want to walk, will take you to the end of the jetty  to the underwater observatory.  

Linking with Good Fences 

                   Skywatch Friday

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Wildbird Wednesday

These pelicans are just about permanent fixtures on Coogee Beach Jetty. I have seen this one with the missing foot (commonly known as stumpy)  on numerous occasions. They know where to get a free feed when people are fishing on the jetty. They have a birds eye view from high up on the light tower.

Linking with Wildbird Wednesday

Care must be taken when walking along the jetty that one doesn't stop underneath the light pole

Hey you, get off my pole

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Meckering Earthquake 1968

A few pics today of the remains of Salisbury Homestead which was destroyed by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake in 1968.  Meckering , which was destroyed by the earthquake is 130 klm east of Perth.  The remains of this  house have been left as they were back then, now being a reminder of the devastation the quake caused. I was a teenager at the time, living in Perth and vividly remember sitting on my bedroom floor looking through my scrapbook, when I felt the room sway. The quake lasted for about 40 seconds.

Linking today with Rubbish Tuesday

The marker tells where the baby's cot was

The kitchen area, note the old cooker

The front steps 

A rose bush and fruit tree still grows

Monday, 23 June 2014

Wongan Wildflowers

With the rain comes our wildflowers. These are the first to come out this season. Over the next weeks and months many more varieties will colour our countryside.
Today I am linking with Mosaic Monday

                                                                                                                  Hakea Multilneata

                          Hakea Petiolaris                                    Acacia                           Astraloma

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Critter Collection

These critters all belonged to my brother and his wife, they have just recently sold their 10 acre hobby farm and moved into a house in town. Age and health issues have caught up with them so it was a difficult decision to part with some their "family". The minature pony and chooks all went to good homes and the cat and dogs are now townies too.

Linking with Saturdays Critters

The cat and dogs all had their own "space" out in the enclosed patio with the fireplace

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Granite Skywalk

Here is another example of when a really Good Fence is required. This time we are at the Granite Skywalk at Castle Rock, about 500 meters to the summit. It is in the Porongurup Ranges in the South West of Western Australia, contruction was done using helicopters to access the area. For more information on this fantastic walk click Here

Linking with Good Fences

These 2  views are courtesy of the internet, just to give you the full perspective

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Gabby Quoi Quoi

Another new road has been travelled. Instead of continuing on the main road we took a little detour along Gabby Quoi Quoi Road.  The lookout along this road gives great views over the farms and countryside. The  Gabby Quoi Quoi Catchment Group consists of farming families in the Goomalling / Wongan Hills area, working together across farm boundaries to improve the landscape. Gabby Quoi Quoi is an aboriginal word meaning "water plenty plenty".   

Linking with       Outdoor Wednesday
                           Rurality Blog Hop 

The Wongan Hills in the distance

Newly erected picnic tables provided us the perfect spot for our coffee and cake for morning tea

The road less travelled

Newly planted wheat crops greening up the countryside

A couple of old relics from days gone by

Some interested locals, no doubt dreaming about the grass being greener on the other side

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Noble Falls

Noble Falls is a popular picnic spot along the Toodyay Road south of Gidgegannup.  It is a usual rest stop for us whenever we are travelling home from a visit to Perth
Linking with Weekend Reflections
                  Shadow Shot Sunday 2

A track winds its way through the bush for a pleasant walk

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Bush Rubbish

This old car body looks as if it has been here for years. I hate finding rubbish just dumped in the bush when we are walking. Thankfully it was all the rubbish we found during this walk, so our rubbish bag we took with us came home empty. 

Linking with Rubbish Tuesday

I  spotted  a snake skin under this rock

The first sign that wildflower season will soon be upon us

Monday, 9 June 2014

Lemon Tree

After a long hot summer, where my lemon tree was under quite a lot of stress, it is now producing some worthwhile lemons once more.  The little bit of winter rain we have had has revived it. Although the fruit is not large it is slowly ripening. It always reminds me of the old Peter, Paul and Mary song,  Lemon Tree.  (Come on sing a line or two, you know you want to)  

Linking with  Monday Mellow Yellows