Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Three Wise Monkey's

I found these little statues in a park in Dowerin, see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil

Linking today with Wordless Wednesday
                               Wednesday Around The World
I am off to New Zealand tomorrow morning for 3 weeks so hopefully I can come home with some amazing photos to share with you all.


Saturday, 18 July 2015

Saturday's Critters

A couple more pics from my recent trip to Donnelly River. Sharing with  Saturdays Critters
A kookaburra keeping watch on one of our walks

Old man Emu patrolling the village

The rubbish bins all have clips on the lids so the kangaroos can't open them, this one kept trying

A splash of red caught my eye, these little robins don't stay still for long.


Monday, 13 July 2015

Lemon Tree

I have an abundance of Lemons at present, as you can see from the photos.  I have given away so many but still it is loaded. I have made lemon butter, lemon cordial and frozen lemon juice to use when I no longer have lemons on the tree. Any further suggestions would be welcome.
Linking today with Monday Mellow Yellows

Friday, 10 July 2015


A couple of sky shots taken from my backyard during the week. It did look promising for rainfall but only a little eventuated.
Linking with Skywatch Friday

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Glenoran Pool

Glenoran Pool, on the Donnelly River  near Manjimup in WA's South West is a popular swimming hole  and picnic area, although I wouldn't fancy swimming there myself.  A large karri tree had fallen  during recent storms. The river is freshwater but also contains a lot of tannin. A still day made for some nice reflections on the river.
Linking today with Scenic Weekends and Weekend Reflections

To get to Glenoran Pool we had to cross One Tree Bridge. Nothing special I thought.

Once we went for a walk we came across the original  One Tree Bridge which was constructed in 1904 from one fallen karri log

Friday, 3 July 2015


Oh what a beautiful bright moon we have had these past few nights. We have also had a lot of cloud cover too so I had to wait for the moon to appear only for it to disappear just as quickly
Linking with  Skywatch Friday

I have just taken these shots tonight to add to this post

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Slater Homestead Goomalling

A few weeks back whilst out on a Sunday drive, I had to do a double take when passing Slater Homestead in Goomalling. In years gone by it was home to the Slater Family and also a wayside inn from 1888 for pioneers and travellers. It is now a museum and tea room and has recently been renovated while still keeping it's old charm.  Sitting out side overlooking a paddock was an old piano. You never know what you are going to see along the roadsides out here. This on it's own was worth stopping for a photo but we ended up having  a cup of tea and  scone after looking through the old house.
Linking today with Theresa's Good Fences because there is a fence of sorts

The old barn (below) is now a popular function centre

Mary's Tea Room below

I am no pianist

The old house surrounded by pepper trees